Product by request. Workshop. 「Star book」 We made a Star book. They were
surprised to see the shape of a star. First stage success!! This program is a work of
learning support class. There are five stages working process. We work about four
hours a day. We have completed in three weeks. Today, we were able to complete the
work!! I want to feel a sense of accomplishment to you.
男性の先生も一緒に作ってくださっています。作業内容は、①折る ②貼る ③スタンプを
おす ④選択した写真にジャーナルを書く ⑤結ぶ の5工程です。今年度の思い出をまとめ
て作業して本日完成!! 作品を完成させる達成感を味わい、作品を通して家族や先生方、
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