
"Campaign of flower in Hyogo 2014" and KitKat.

    A malfunction occurred in that "Blogger blog" of Japan. Here we go again. Blogger
    blog was unavailable and not accessible. Now blogger can connect. Have you solved
    the problem? 

  I went to the "Campaign of flower in Hyogo 2014". Flower garden was used the
   flowers of Hyogo Prefecture. Beautiful flowers!! I want to keep staring flowers.
   But, this event today was only. 
 「贈ろう*飾ろう ひょうごの花キャンペーン 2014」に行きました。こちらはフラワー

   I got orange cocktail of KitKat. This is sold only in Tokyo store. "KitKat Chocolatory"
   is Takagi chef is a supervising editor. KitKat specialty store is only in Japan in the
   world. Orange and chocolate are best combination!! Thanks. 
 「キットカット ショコラトリー」はシェフ高木康政さんが全面監修する、世界で日本

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