
February Sketch Ed's DT work.

    This DT work is Ed's Sketch & Stamp Challenge. February Sketch. I express "place of
    memories". I've used painting materials, mist, and white acrylic paint. Mist was used
    five colors. I was also used particle-shape of star in Okinawa. Sentiment Stamp was
    used the HAPPY of "Sweet-Stamp". I wrote a Journal on here and there. My theme of
    the January sketch was "Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake disaster", so I made dark
    color sketch. This time, I create a pleasant atmosphere, so I have chosen a bright
    color. Title is "LOVE". The size of the episode title was large. The reason, I visually
    appeal Okinawa. These are picture of Okinawa trip. These pictures bring back good
    memories of the trip for me. 
  Groovie Covers & Ed's Sketch Design TeamDTワークです。今回はSentiment Stamp

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